Gastroenterologist Questions Celiac Disease

Is gluten the cause of my stomach pain?

I'm 28, and lately I don't feel good whenever I eat wheat. I usually feel nauseous right after, and sometimes I vomit. Not all the time. Should I get evaluated for celiac? Is gluten the cause of my stomach pain?

3 Answers

It might be celiac, but much more common is a simple intolerance to the carbohydrates in wheat, in particular fructans.
Possible, yes. Please visit a GI specialist and get your answer so you can treat and feel better.
Most likely! There are tests that can be done but just avoiding it is probably the best answer as is has deleterious effects on other body systems as well.
Fructose is also something to try to stay away from as well. It can affect GI and many other systems in similar fashions