Endocrinology-Diabetes Questions Hypothyroidism

Is hypothyroidism hereditary?

I am 32 years old and I have a family history of hypothyroidism. Is hypothyroidism hereditary?

8 Answers

Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland is underperforming. Fuel processing in the body is affected by this condition and energy levels decline. Patients may gain weight, become constipated and feel cold and depressed. Causes of hypothyroidism involve damage to the thyroid either through an antibody reaction triggered in the body or after physical injury such as surgery. Antibody reactions to the thyroid are frequently seen in family members, but simply having relatives suffering from hypothyroidism does not guarantee that one's thyroid will malfunction. Usually a triggering event such as stress awakens the innate tendency one may have to form antibodies against their own thyroid. Women are more likely to develop hypothyroidism under these circumstances.
The auto immune form of hypothyroidism can occur in families due to genetic predisposition. It is called Hashomotos Diease. Please see your physician and have thyroid function studies done as well as antibodies to thyroid peroxidase to note presence of thyroid autoimmunity.
There are many other non familial causes of hypothyroidism related to iodine deficiency as well as enzymatic defects in producing thyroid hormones.

Marvin A Leder MD FACP FACE
Yes. There is clear inheritance, however, remember you are two parents, thus there is a reasonable chance you will not get it.

Most thyroid diseases are autoimmune like Hashimoto Hypothyroidism or Grave's hyperthyroidism, however, we see many familial cases. If you have a family history of thyroid problems and you complain of suggestive symptoms, you may need to be checked.
Yes. If hypothyroidism runs in your family, you might or might not get it.
Dr. Marina Strizhevsky
If it is autoimmune for the cause of hypothyroidism, then it can be hereditary. Otherwise, typically no.
Hashimoto Hypothyroidism yes
Yes & no. There are many causes of hypothyroid. Some are hereditary. Others are caused by infection, auto-immunity, damage from trauma, surgery, aging, etc. Since you have a strong family history, this suggests you have a heredity form which is usually auto-immune & occurs most commonly in females. Even if heredity you may not get it but if you do get it treated right away because lack of replacement therapy can have many bad effects including heart damage.