Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Is it better to take sertraline at night or in the morning?

I am a 44 year old male and I have depression. I want to know if it is better to take sertraline at night or in the morning?

7 Answers

It is better to take in morning.
Their motto used to be, “once a day anytime of day.” Adjust to accommodate side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, insomnia or excitation
For most people taking it in the morning is the best. However, a minority of people may experience some sedation, so for them it is best to take at night. Still, we recommend contacting the prescribing physician for any questions.
Please ask your prescriber that question. My hunch would be if the medication makes you too drowsy, they might recommend an evening dose, but the MD would be the expert.

Nancy J. Warren, PhD
Sertraline tends to have sedative qualities, therefore I usually recommend starting it at night. Occasionally, a person says that they have sleep problems since starting. In that situation, I suggest taking it after breakfast.
It depends on whether or not it makes you feel drowsy. If it does sell, I will take it at night. If you feel clearheaded then you can take it to her in the day. I am not a psychiatrist or a medical doctor, so I am only providing guidance about your own personal reaction to something that you’re taking.
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