“Is it normal for wisdom teeth to come in at 17?”
My 17 year old son is starting to develop wisdom teeth. Is it normal for wisdom teeth to come in at 17?
12 Answers
There is a wide age range for teeth to erupt. Certainly it isn't unusual for a 17 year old to feel his wisdom teeth start to erupt. Might be a good time to have a discussion with your dentist if there is room for them to erupt or if they need to be extracted.
Wisdom teeth can come in at any time. You should be evaluated to decide if they are in a reasonable position or need to be removed.
That may be a little earlier than average, but not unheard of. I've seen them show up anywhere from 15 to 25 years of age or so. Ask your dentist to review with an appropriate X-ray, if there is room for them to stay or if they need to be removed to prevent crowding of all his other teeth.
Dr. Ron H
Dr. Ron H
Yes. Wisdom teeth are a third set of molars in the back of your mouth. They usually come in between the ages of 17 and 25
Yes, this is normal for your son's wisdom teeth to come in around the age 17 as this is about the time they are expected to try to come in. This is also why we try to have them removed at this time. They are easiest to remove at this point as they are less impacted and their roots are just starting to develop. Hope this helps.
My best to you!
William F. Scott IV, DMD
Yes, this is normal for your son's wisdom teeth to come in around the age 17 as this is about the time they are expected to try to come in. This is also why we try to have them removed at this time. They are easiest to remove at this point as they are less impacted and their roots are just starting to develop. Hope this helps.
My best to you!
William F. Scott IV, DMD
Yes, that is a very normal age to begin seeing wisdom teeth. There is a range from about 15 years old to 20 when they may start to cut through the gums. The fact that the teeth are erupting is a good sign, indicating that they are not impacted. This typically decreases the risk for complications when it comes time for extractions.
Marc D. Thomas, DDS
Marc D. Thomas, DDS