“Is it normal to have pressure built up in your ear?”
I'm 32, and I'm currently having an issue with ear problem. Sometimes I can't hear out of one ear because there would be a lot of pressure built up in it. I usually I would end up popping my ear by putting a hand on my nose and blowing air up it. But this problem happens too often. Is it normal to have pressure built up in your ear?
5 Answers
It is normal for the middle ear pressure to change, yes. The middle ear pressure is separate from the atmospheric pressure (air) and you will feel this inside the ear, like when you are on a plane. The eustachian tube opens into the back of the nose, and acts as pressure equalization valve to equalize the middle ear pressure with the outside air pressure. You are opening this valve (tube) when you pop your ears (valsalva). This is ok, and its good you are able to do this without issue. This will also happen simply by swallowing, but can be harder for some people than others.
Why do you think its too often?
Why do you think its too often?
This is not normal. It should require a visit to an ENT specialist for an exam and various audiologic testing.
Dr. D
This is not normal. It should require a visit to an ENT specialist for an exam and various audiologic testing.
Dr. D
Symptoms of pressure in the middle ear may be secondary to common problem of eustachian tube dysfunction. This causes a feeling of fullness and slight decreased hearing, which is alleviated with "popping" the ears with swallowing or yawning or positive pressure like blowing through the nose with a nose closed.
What you are describing isn't normal. It's eustachian tube disorder. Do not let a doctor dilate it with a balloon. Evaluate it by exam and, if needed, get a CT scan.