“Is it ok to get a crown without a root canal?”
I am a 32 year old female. I want to know if it is ok to get a crown without a root canal?
13 Answers
Yes, a crown procedure can be done without a root canal if it has been determined that the pulp and periapical tissues on the tooth are free of disease. Be aware however, the crown procedure itself may cause inflammation that may necessitate a root canal after the crown has already been placed.
Many people get crowns without ever needing a root canal. A root canal is only necessary if the pulp(nerve) becomes compromised. A crown is place to protect a compromised tooth. I.e. a tooth that’s cracked.
Yes, you may have a crown with out a RCT if the nerve of that tooth is healthy and a symptomatic. A crown is indicated when a tooth has hi risk of fracture due to crack lines, significant lost of tooth structures from decays, fractures or accident. The crown prevents the tooth from getting further fractures from bitting forces, that could result in completely lost of tooth from non-restorability and/or damage to the nerve which would then will call for a root canal. Hope that helps!
Yes, you may have a crown with out a RCT if the nerve of that tooth is healthy and a symptomatic. A crown is indicated when a tooth has hi risk of fracture due to crack lines, significant lost of tooth structures from decays, fractures or accident. The crown prevents the tooth from getting further fractures from bitting forces, that could result in completely lost of tooth from non-restorability and/or damage to the nerve which would then will call for a root canal. Hope that helps!
Most of the crowns we do for people are done without a root canal if they are treated before there is nerve damage. If there is significant damage to the tooth and the nerve isn’t healthy enough, then it could need root canal treatment, but that’s a minor percentage of cases in our experience.
Generally speaking, you do not always need a root canal before a crown, but you almost always need the crown after root canal treatment. It depends on how close to the nerve you are, how healthy the nerve is, and perhaps location of the tooth, how much tooth is left (enough to support a crown?), if the nerve is damaged, or if there is not much good tooth present, then the root canal would be advisable. If the nerves are unhealthy or dead, you should have the root canal. If it is close to the nerve, do you risk pain and root canal after the crown is placed? Talk to your dentist or an endodontist (root canal specialist) get an exam and evaluation for peace of mind.
Good luck.
Good luck.
Yes, it is okay to get a crown without a root canal. Crowns and root canals are two separate treatments and have separate diagnosis for them. The reason you usually hear of them together is because it is usually on back teeth. When back teeth need root canals they usually need crowns as well. However, just because a tooth needs a crown does not mean it needs a root canal. Crowns can be location dependent. You can have a cavity or tooth fracture on a certain area of the tooth where the best way to fix it is a crown. When a root canal is needed it is usually because the cavity or fracture has gotten big enough to involve the nerve of the tooth. It is similar to the saying all thumbs are fingers, not all fingers are thumbs.
Hope this helps.
My best to you!
William F. Scott IV, DMD
Yes, it is okay to get a crown without a root canal. Crowns and root canals are two separate treatments and have separate diagnosis for them. The reason you usually hear of them together is because it is usually on back teeth. When back teeth need root canals they usually need crowns as well. However, just because a tooth needs a crown does not mean it needs a root canal. Crowns can be location dependent. You can have a cavity or tooth fracture on a certain area of the tooth where the best way to fix it is a crown. When a root canal is needed it is usually because the cavity or fracture has gotten big enough to involve the nerve of the tooth. It is similar to the saying all thumbs are fingers, not all fingers are thumbs.
Hope this helps.
My best to you!
William F. Scott IV, DMD
A root canal is only necessary if the nerve in your tooth has been injured to a point where it can no longer heal. If the nerve in your tooth is still healthy, then it should be okay to get a crown without a root canal. You should visit an endodontist and have your tooth pulp tested to determine the condition of the nerve. That is the only way to determine whether you need a root canal before the crown or if it is okay to go ahead with the crown without the root canal.