Audiologist Questions Hearing Aids

Is it okay if my mother just sleeps with her hearing aid?

My mother is an Alzheimer's patient and often forgets that she has her hearing aid on and ends up sleeping with it. Is this safe? What can happen if she leaves it on?

2 Answers

It is fine as long as the battery gets charged or changed so the aid is in fact functioning and not serving as an ear plug.    Angela R. Sieh Ceretto, M.A., CCC-A, FAAA Audiologist Pinnacle Audiology, LLC 6809 S. Minnesota Ave., Suite 101 605-306-4481  
Sleeping in hearing aids isn’t going to cause any extra damage to your hearing, so it’s not harmful. However, it’s not recommended as hearing aids aren’t designed to be slept in. This will cause them to wear down quicker. Perhaps creating some sort of visual reminder for her would be helpful – a sticky note by her bedside maybe – could help her remember to take them out.