Dentist Questions Deep cavity

Is it possible to have a cavity without tooth pain?

There's a tooth in the back of my mouth that looks like a cavity but it isn't causing me any pain or discomfort. Is it possible to have a cavity without tooth pain?

9 Answers

Yes. A lot of cavities in their early stages may not cause pain. However that does not mean those cavities are harmless. It is better to have it evaluated by your general dentist before the cavity gets worse and more complicated and costly treatment would be needed.
Yes there is.
Absolutely! Everyone's pain tolerance is different and while some people have pain or discomfort with very small cavities, others have full blown abscesses without any discomfort. You should have your teeth check yearly by a dentist and cleaned a minimum of 2 times per year; some patients require more frequent cleanings. In addition to checking your teeth, the dentist should do a complete oral exam, including screening for oral cancer.
Yes. This is possible. Most times you do not have pain with a cavity. If you do have pain it is usually a sign that the cavity is large and nearing the nerve.
Yes, most cavities do not cause pain unless the decay is close to the pulp of the tooth and usually mean root canal treatment is needed
Yes, until the cavity reaches deeper layers of the tooth.
Yes, if it is a cavity, don't wait, it will lead to a root canal.
Yes. We recommend regular check ups. Most cavities don't cause any pain until they reach deep and irritate tooth nerve. Pain means the patient may need root canal treatment.