Plastic Surgeon Questions Liposuction

Is liposuction a safe procedure?

I am a 33 year old female who wants to have liposuction. Is liposuction a safe procedure?

5 Answers

No surgical procedure is benign.
The liposuction problem's generally a surgical problem, but the anesthesia provider deals with its complications. So, make sure not just about the anesthesia provider, but for the surgeon. He/She will inject liters of fluids with local anesthesia and some kind of salts. I do not want to scare you, but is not a simple procedure as they make it sound. It is simple as long as no complications occur, but it has a potentially dangerous complication. As an anesthesiologist, I would not take it lightly. Anyone who tells you differently does not know enough. Ignorance is a blessing. Stay away from those.
All surgical procedures have risks. Complications could occur. I have seen complications like fat emboli.
It depends on many factors age, medical conditions, extent of surgery, duration of surgery. In general, it is a safe procedure on a young, healthy patient.
All surgery has risks, but liposuction is safely performed on many patients all the time. Choose a surgeon that has done many liposuctions.