Radiologist Questions Open MRI

Is open MRI as good as closed?

My son is terribly claustrophobic and my doctor has him scheduled for a closed MRI scan. I heard of open MRIs and I feel like this would be a lot better for him. Are open MRIs just as effective?

3 Answers

Open MRI have very poor quality. I would recommend some sedation and get the closed MRI which will be more diagnostic.

Dr Cox
Yes, there is a tremendous difference in image quality. Closed MR image quality is superior. The stronger the magnet strength, the better the image quality. 3Tesla closed magnet is best. Get a prescription of Xanax and give him a dose of Benedryl to manage the claustrophobia.
It all depends on the field strength. 0.7 or higher is good. They make a 1.2T magnet, which I own. That is great and better than 0.7T. Anything less is away.