“Is a pacemaker implant safe?”
My mother is 70 years old, and she needs to have a pacemaker placed. Are pacemaker implants safe?
7 Answers
Pacemaker implants are generally very safe. There is typically a less than 1% risk of a serious complication with could include bleeding at the site of insertion or infection typically around pocket created to insert a pacemaker generator. Overall, a very safe procedure .
Mark Rasak
In experienced hands, they are very safe.
Pacemaker implantation carries a low risk of a major complication in the proper hands, and in the majority of situations, the benefits definitely outweigh the risks. You can always get a second opinion. Also, cardiac electrophysiologists are the physicians that specialize in this and it has been shown that their complication rate is lower than cardiologists or cardiovascular surgeons.