“Is palliative care temporary?”
My grandfather is very sick and they are giving him palliative care. How does it work, and what does it do? Is it temporary?
2 Answers
Great question! Palliative care is comfort care. But, I would direct this question to your grandfather's doctor. Each center is different, and they will be able to tell you specifically what the process will be for him. All the best to your grandfather, you and your family. Becky https://www.oncologyspasolutions.com/
Palliative care is focused around using the principles of medical science to provide comfort care to patients/families with the help of an interdisciplinary team. Depending upon the prognosis, he may be offered palliative care or hospice services. Usually, as a disease progresses, the help required increases. Hospice services may be a reasonable option to consider when doctors believe life expectancy is less than 6 months if the disease runs its usual course. Hospice services don't stop at the death of the patient, and a hospice bereavement team can continue to support the family who is grieving their losses. Bereavement team can follow up for up to 13 months after the death of the patient based on the need.