Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

Is there an age limit for eye laser surgery?

I am a 43 year old female. I wonder if there is an age limit for eye laser surgery?

7 Answers

No, but it is important to know that if you are at the presbyopia age; you are going to be trading one set of spectacles for another...
Dr. Perez Becerra
Frank Cao
Depends what laser surgery. For Lasik usually 65.
There is no age limit, however in our forties, the focusing system of the eye starts to degrade to the point where reading glasses are needed after the laser surgery. Near sighted people have a natural reading power that goes away after the distance vision is corrected.
The older we get older some lasik side effects increase. Like dry eye and need for reading glasses
Usually up to mid 20s - early 30s
Over 40 years is too old for laser vision correction as presbyopia will be aggravated