Dentist Questions TMJ

Is there any way to make the pain caused by TMJ go away?

I have TMJ and lately it has been causing me a lot of pain. Is there any way, other than surgery, that can help make the pain from TMJ go away?

9 Answers

TMJ pain is usually caused by a traumatic bite that inflames the nerves, the tendons and the muscles in the jaws, head, neck, etc. If this it the origin, the bite must be corrected. It's difficult to find a Dentist that specializes in treating TMJ cases. Try on line to find a "Las Vegas Institute Dentist"(LVI Dentist) for a consultation. Good luck.
Surgery would be my last resort. Try anti-inflammatories like advil or naproxen. If it's centered in the joint, try ice compress, on 5 mins, off 5 mins for 3 cycles. Repeat as needed. If it is your jaw and temporal muscles that can spasm, a moist heat compress off and on can help. There are stock mouth guards that you can self form in the dental sections of many stores. This will separate your teeth to stop interfering contact and it may allow you to sleep without grinding.
Anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxers. But that’s only for temporary relief. You need to investigate as to the real reason of TMJ issues because that could last a life time.
The world of TMJ encompasses a wide array of conditions that can cause pain in the joint(s). First, an evaluation of the joint system needs to be performed so that a diagnosis as to the cause of the pain can be determined. Then a plan of action to mitigate the pain can be determined. Most often, decreased chewing, pain meds, rest, and heat and cold compressions will help. Occlusal guard therapy may be recommended if there is excess stress being applied to the joints. But again, an evaluation first needs to be performed in order to determine the appropriate therapy to help.
Yes there are many. There are devices to wear, physical therapy and massage to name a few. It should be thoroughly discussed where to start with your dentist. Surgery is really the last resort after everything else has been tried.

Good luck. Hope this helps,

Jossi Stokes, DDS
Yes, wear a splint, take anti-inflammatories, and exercise!
I would like to know more about your pain. There are other causes of facial pain. With the patients we have treated, we believe that some patients can be TMJ Primary. Patients are biting or clenching and that is causing the pain. With some patients, the pain starts first and you are biting, clenching... TRYING TO STOP OR LESSEN THE PAIN. We consider them TMJ SECONDARY. I would like to know how long you have had this pain? I never would say to a patient, that I know how you feel. My advice to you first is do nothing that is permanent and can't be undone, i.e., tooth extraction, or surgery.
Ideally, the best course of action will be to see your dentist or a dentist that specializes specifically in TMD (temporomandibular joint disorder). The TMD specialist will determine if an appliance, calibration (adjusted your bite to "even out your bite"), or arthritis treatment will help. As a temporary relief, you can place warm moist heat in the area, eat a soft diet for a few days, and if not contraindicated due to your medical history, take a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication such as aleve. Do not take aleve indefinitely, but only as a temporary measure to alleviate your pain. Too much aleve can affect your kidneys, bp, stomach and even be fatal if too much is taken or if it taken for too long.
Good luck!