Internist Questions Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Is there medication that can cure IBS?

My father suffers from IBS. I know that this is a stress-related condition, but is there a way for him to get it under control (or cure it)?

6 Answers

There is no cure but there are many medications that can help control symptoms. These include anti-spasmotics, anti-diarrheals, laxatives, neuromodulators - depending on the specific case. Find a good GI doc who will actually treat the condition and not look to to do procedures only.
Yes medicines can help symptoms, but no cure.
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Irritable bowel syndrome is not a curable condition, but the symptoms can be kept under control with cirreby treatments.
All lab tests must be reviewed to make a decision. You would also benefit from GUT testing of the microbiome combined with DNA testing to determine the best course of action.
There is NO cure for IBS. BUT there are many treatment options to reduce symptoms. If diarrhea is prevalent, OTC medicines like Immodium, kaopectate, or even Pepto Bismol can be tried. Also, avoid any "trigger" foods that may cause diarrhea. Stress management (with or without medication) may also help.

If the diarrhea remains intractable, newer drugs like VIBERZI or XIFAXIN can be prescribed. A frank discussion with your doctor (ideally a knowledgeable Internal Medicine specialist or a Gastroenterologist) will help develop a customized treatment plan. But keep in mind that treatment will be "trial and error" until an effective regimen is found.

If constipation is prevalent, INCREASED DIETARY FIBER, INCREASED FLUID INTAKE, COFFEE, PROBIOTICS, and EXERCISE may help. If symptoms persist, then OTC drugs like SENNA, MIRALAX, or MOM will likely help.

If CRAMPS and BOWEL SPASMS are frequent, drugs like HYOCINE, CIMETROPIUM, or BENTYL may help.
Although there is no “cure” for IBS, there are many medications and therapy to manage the disease. Talk with your doctor about the options. Good luck.