Pediatrician Questions Breastfeeding

How often is it required to bottle feed my baby?

I am new mom with a baby who is just 1 month old. I am breast feeding my baby however it doesn't seem to be enough. The doctor has advised a top up feed for the baby. I just want to know how often should I be bottle feeding my baby?

5 Answers

If the weight gain is inadequate try to breast feed more often and make sure to fully empty the breast to get the find milk which has more calories. You can supplement about 1 ounce after each feeding if the baby is still hungry but this can decrease your breast milk production
That is hard to answer without knowing the circumstances. Feeding should generally be every 2-3 hours or so for the first month or two. If weight is ok, that can be spaced a little. Keep an eye on the weight. If weight is going up, you are feeding enough, if not, consider supplementation. Start with 1 supplemental feed and increase/decrease as needed
You need to increase your breastfeeding intervals or lengthen time on the breast to at least 20 mins. each side. I would try this before supplementing with formula.
Feed every 3 hours
If your baby is growing along the curve well, you do not need to supplement even if your baby seems to always want to nurse. Some babies use the breast as a pacifier- don't let this happen (I did with my first and was very sorry). Find other ways to soothe the baby and make him happy. If his weight gain is not sufficient, then follow each breast feeding with 1-2 oz of formula. Watch his weight gain. If it is not enough, increase the amount of formula. You might also want to visit with a lactation nurse to see if you are producing enough milk and how you can increase your supply.