“Is maxillofacial surgery advisable for a diabetes patient?”
My wife has diabetes and needs to undergo a maxillofacial surgery. Is it advisable given her condition?
4 Answers
Yes. If she needs surgery, she should proceed as long as her providers are all in agreement. Controlling her blood sugar with an A1c of 7 or less will give her the best chances of proper wound healing.
It depends on how well her diabetes is controlled. If her A1c <7.0% she should be ok. If it is >8.5% she won’t heal well so the surgery should be delayed until her sugars are better controlled.
Hi, oral and maxillofacial surgery can be done in a Diabetic patient provided the sugar levels are normal. Diabetes delays healing. If the sugar levels are controlled with the help of diet, medicines or insulin till the wound healing takes place, there is absolutely no risk to the patient.
It depends on the level of control of her diabetes. If she is well controlled, there is little difference than if she did not have diabetes. But if she is not well controlled now, the surgery should be postponed until she can be gotten in good control. For surgery of this type, she will most probably need to be taking insulin preferably "basal-bolus" therapy to insure the best control. She should have an endocrinologist that is knowledgeable in diabetes therapy to work with the surgeon to provide maximal care. Then expect a good outcome.