“Is there a medication that will help with my pain from constipation?”
I have been suffering with constipation for years now. Is there a certain medication that will help with the pain I experience?
3 Answers
Medications you may be taking can cause constipation. Talk to your primary physician to make sure this is not contributing to this problem. Ultimately, a diet high in fiber (plant based diet) and proper water intake should resolve this type of problem.
I always get concerned when I hear a patient tell me they have difficulty pooping. It is so important and can lead to all sorts of unpleasant problems. You do not say how long this has been a problem. Of course, there are all sorts of things you can take, but first and foremost I would see a gastroenterologist. Have you tried taking a glass of warm water with lemon in the morning? Prunes, figs, high-fiber foods such as oatmeal, bran, and coffee sometimes help and, of course, more fruit to the diet senna laxative. Enema from the drug store. You really ought to get checked first, you must not mess about with your colon. My first recommendation is to see a gastroenterologist.