Physiatrist (Physical Medicine) Questions Back Pain

I have been experiencing a lot of back pain for the past two days. What medication can I have?

My back has been hurting me for a long period of time. I'm not sure what to take. What medication do you recommend?

6 Answers

I would recommend consulting with a medical professional to properly assess the cause of your back pain and provide appropriate treatment. Self-diagnosis and self-medication can be risky, as the underlying cause of your pain may require specific interventions or therapies.

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You can start with simple over-the-counter medications like Tylenol or Advil. Anything that requires a prescription will require an appointment with your primary care provider.
Back pain is very debilitating. I am more holistic and use in my patients various natural,pain relief.
I have no idea of your medical history and therefore do not want to advise on medications as many have side effects. There are various excellent creams also natural on the market You should go to a Physciatrist. To ascertain the underlying cause of your back pain this may require an mri to find out the condition of your spine. It’s always wise to find out why you have back problems and not just take various medications. Yoga stretching physical therapy. go first to get a diagnosis and get the proper treatment

It’s hard to recommend medication without evaluating you. There are many things that can cause back pain. I’d recommend you get evaluated if it’s really affecting your quality of life.
first of all , I need to see you and examine your back. using ice, rest and anti inflammatory as traditional pain doctor to treat this condition. But I have been using some special formula as natural supplements. and they work great for acute and chronic pain .

I also believe it you have chronic pain, need to consider torn ligaments. I do prolotherapy and platelet rich plasma injection to the tore ligament site, and got great result too .

Linda Li MD
Dear friend,

Back pain has so many reasons, from very benign such as muscle tension to malignant as cancer. The key factor is not to ignore it. However, most back pains are mechanical in origin, that means it may be coming from a simple sprain and strain of muscles and ligaments to arthritis in the spine and disc problems. Wrong posture can definitely contribute to this as well. Do you have pain radiation to the legs, to the groin region or buttocks? Do you have associated numbness or tingling in the legs? If so, then how far down they go for both pain and numbness? Any recent fever, chills, or weight loss? What are the alleviating and aggravating factors? Most of all, what age bracket are you in, male or female? Bottom line, you need to address this before further aggravation occurs. My suggestion is to seek advice from a physical medicine & rehab specialist.