“I am on a lot of medicines since 2 years ago. I am suspecting it could have damaged my liver and kidneys. What should I do?”
I had a liver infection 2 years back, which has led to medication and antibiotic use. Could these increased number of medicines cause damage to my liver and kidneys?
4 Answers
Your regular PCP can monitor your liver and kidney function with routine labs. If the numbers remain normal then your medicines should not be doing any damage to those organs.
I can't answer that question without knowing more about you and the medicines you take. You ought to be evaluated by the physician (s) who prescribe the medications and have your kidneys and liver checked
A blood test such as checking the creatinine can determine if there is damage to the kidneys. The liver enzyme profile will help determine if your liver is effected. If either one returns abnormal, then further testing needs to be done in order to determine the underlying cause. Many medications have this listed as a potential risk of occurring. However, only your physician can make this determination.