“Is metformin the only form of medication for diabetes?”
I've had type 2 diabetes for a while now and have been taking metformin as treatment. But, lately, I feel like I have been experiencing a lot of side effects. Are there any other medications for diabetes that I can take?
5 Answers
There are several other classes of medications for type 2 diabetes, although metformin is one of the best. If you are having side effects, you should talk to your doctor before stopping or changing medication.
No, there are many other medications. That said the cornerstone of treatment in my patients is diet and exercise, which should protect you or rid you of the disease. Most medications will mostly control your glucose but not protect well against the really dangerous complications of diabetes, such as heart attacks.
No, there are lots of medications now for diabetes, but our main therapy os still metformin as it has a lot of benefits not only for sugar control
There are multiple medications for diabetes as well as lifestyle changes. Your prescribing doctor can evaluate your lab tests and with your input and cooperation, make decisions regarding your best treatment.
With millions of diabetics in this country, of COURSE the drug companies took note of a market that size. Two older, affordable meds are glyburide (several brand names) and pioglitazone (Actos), both available for a few dollars a month. Then there are others, less well-tested and costing up to $500 a month, plus insulin. You need to ask your doctor for a change...then ask him or her how much the new one is going to cost you.