“my personal bradycardia and chronic fatigue”
My resting heart rate typically fluctuates between 39-45. I know that this can get a good sign that my heart is strong enough to pump the blood my body needs while doing so at a slower rate. I'm confident I have had a slow heart rate my entire adult life, maybe longer. My father has bradycardia as well. My question revolves around my slow heart rate and how it may relate to my constant fatigue. I seem like I am always tired a never 'want' to do much, though I work, raise 2 young children, exercise and help maintain my household daily. I just seem tired all the time. I'm curious as to how much of this may be attributed to my slow heart rate and what I may be able to do, preferably naturally, to boost my energy levels and potentially resting heart rate, if that is in my best interest. Thanks.
Male | 36 years old
Complaint duration: several years
Medications: none
Conditions: none