Nephrologist (Pediatric) Questions Diabetic Kidney Problems

My son has juvenile diabetes. Can this lead to kidney problems?

My son is 9 years old and has been diagnosed with juvenile diabetes, and is still learning how to manage it. We're doing everything we can to help him, but will this condition cause him to have issues with his kidney in the future?

10 Answers

Any type of diabetes, if uncontrolled or unmanaged, can lead to kidney disease. Work frequently with his pediatric endocrinologist and ask about continuous glucose monitors that he can wear and you can track his sugars constantly through your phone to help you manage this disease.
It is a possibility. But not a certainty.
So hard to answer yes or no because depending on many factors of his life which means how to manage the diet and glucose meanwhile not effective his development. Otherwise is going to affect kidney function in the long term .
Juvenile diabetes can lead to kidney disease, but it is much less likely to do so if the blood sugars are well controlled. Thankfully, he has developed this disease when he can test blood sugars, even have a glucose sensor that can interact with an insulin pump.
Technology has gotten so much better than 40-50 years ago, when the urine was tested, not the blood, and kidney damage was more common.
Kidney disease is always a risk for anyone with diabetes. It can be minimized by taking control of the diabetes. Please locate a diabetes team to help you.
As long he has his diabetes under control, he will be healthy and have a normal life. In the other hand, if he does not control his diabetes, may lead to unpleasant unhealthy complications as blindness, kidney problems and heart problems. An endocrinologist is the best specialist for your son.
Low probably
Kidney issues can occur when diabetes is poorly controlled.
If your son has type 1 diabetes (insulin-dependent diabetes), he needs to be managed well with insulin. If his diabetes is not well-controlled, it can lead to chronic complications such as eye disease, kidney disease, nerve disease, and others diseases. But if it is well-controlled, it will be less likely to have the above chronic complications of diabetes. So, the key to prevent these complications is to maintain good control of the diabetes. You should talk to your doctor about these issues and work out with him to maintain well-controlled diabetes.
Good luck.
He could, but he doesn't have to. Many studies have now shown that eye & kidney disease in diabetes is caused by elevated blood sugar levels that cause damage to blood vessels & nerves. These complications are not only preventable, but are reversible if caught early & properly treated. Control of blood glucose is most important in the prevention of these problems, so keep his sugar in control preferably without hypoglycemia. It can be done, so be open to new therapies including pumps & continuous glucose monitors to help.
All the best!