“My vision is a bit hazy since yesterday. Should I get it checked?”
My vision seems hazy and very blurry in my left eye. This has been happening since yesterday. Should I get checked out?
9 Answers
Yes. It's like asking, "I have chest pain," or "I am dizzy," or "I have blood in my stool," or "I have pain in my right ear," etc. Blurred vision is usually a sign of something serious and should most definitely be "checked out," if you care about your vision.
Brian Dunn
Indeed, please see your eye MD for an exam.
Try some eye drops for lubrication and see how you feel. It should clear up soon otherwise see a doctor
Yes I would recommend seeing an eye professional as soon as possible if you are noticing significant vision changes.
Blurred vision that is of new onset can have a host of reasons including dry eyes, cataract, change in refraction (patient with high sugar or new diabetics). Since it differs from your fellow eye, good idea to discover the cause
Yes! There are many reasons to have the new onset of hazy vision...and several are emergencies. Please contact your EyeMD ophthalmologist or even go to your emergency room for an evaluation.