“Why is my vision so hazy even after recovering from conjuctivitis?”
I had a bout of conjunctivitis and I started to take medications for it. However, even after completing the medications and recovering from the infection, my vision feels hazy. What could be wrong?
9 Answers
Hazy vision is not a typical outcome for a recovered conjunctivitis. You should follow up with your prescribing physician to rule out corneal issues that may require further treatment.
Jason Randall Smith
A few questions come to mind based on your inquiry. There are several types of conjunctivitis. What types of medications did you take? Were they prescribed by an eye doctor? Were they oral medications or eye drops? If you did see an eye doctor for this problem, it would be best to contact them again in order to let them know of this latest problem. If you did not see an eye doctor, please call an optometrist or an ophthalmologist. It is possible that your hazy vision may or may not be related to the conjunctivitis. And hopefully you did not self-treat your problem. Good luck and best wishes.
Get your eyes checked to see if glasses will clear your vision and to see if there are any residual scars on your eye from the infection.
Very often, until our tear film quality improves, our vision may still seem a bit off. With time and lubricants, this typically resolves, otherwise, continue to seek medical care.
Dr. Lior Koppel
Dr. Lior Koppel
Many viral infections can take months to heal. You should have the eye doctor who prescribed the drops see you again to check the cause.
The eyes should not be cloudy after using the medication. I encourage you to go to your eye doctor. It may not have been a simple infection. Don't get worried, just go get it checked please.
Robert Maynard, O.D.
Robert Maynard, O.D.
You need to go back to your eye doctor. Likely, you have secondary inflammation, which often requires steroid eye drops to clear up.