“Is there a natural cure for fatigue and tiredness?”
My husband feels extremely tired and fatigued even when he is not doing much work. I don’t know the reason for this, but I want to know if there are natural ways to treat him. It makes it even more confusing that we don't know the root of the problem.
5 Answers
Check with Doc - do bloods. Any stressors in life? If all okay, can chat with a naturopath re simple med.
In our practice, by far the most common reason for unexplained fatigue is sleep apnea. This is followed by hormonal issues (which can also be triggered by sleep apnea). If you look up "Epworth Scale" and have him do the questionnaire, if he scores more than 11 he likely qualifies for a sleep study. Make sure to take that into his doctor for more comprehensive analysis,
This sounds like a case that has its root in a mental condition. I assume your husband is an A-person who ties much of his identity on his work and endeavors. Whenever he is not active, he feels a bit depressed because he is not doing anything productive. This is a possible explanation that could be treated by a cognitive psychologist.
Could be vitamin deficiency or thyroid or ebv infection, anemia or cardiac or pulmonary condition or electrolyte problem. I recommend to go to your pcp for further evaluation.
Mun Li Pang
General Practitioner
It is important to get your husband checked out by his GP to rule out any biological causes first. Patient history is important to determine the cause. I recommend you get a routine blood check which includes FBE, UEC, LFT, TSH, and fasting BSL and lipids. Depends on the length of his symptoms, and if he has unexplained weight loss, loss of appetite, etc., cancer has to be ruled out. There is a whole myriad of causes of fatigue, so don't panic, but get him seen by a doctor to get to the root of the problem.