“Do I need lifelong physiotherapy for sciatica?”
I have sciatica and I am currently undergoing physiotherapy. Will it need to be a lifelong therapy?
10 Answers
You will need to maintain some form of treatment to keep it healthy for the rest of your life. It’s like eating well or getting in shape at the gym... If we get healthy and get in shape and then stop eating well and stop working out, we eventually lose our progress, correct?
My suggestion is talk to your physical therapist that can give you instruction how to do home therapy. Usually, the insurance company does not cover physical therapy for life.
Sciatica is inflammation to the group of nerves originating in the lumbar spine. If there is a structural reason such as a large disc or spur causing compression on the nerves then frequent flareups will occur unless these are corrected. Often times physical therapy including strengthening of the back and core muscles will alleviate the pain And generally performing these regularly is the best form of treatment.
Yes and no. You don't have to pay and see a physio forever. You probably should see them for a period of time and then continue a home exercise program
It should not have to be life long. Your therapist should give you the tools to help you manage and prevent future symptoms at home.
My golly. No, not lifelong. I hope not. First, you have to find out the diagnosis. What is causing sciatic pain? I would go to a physiatrist to have a head-to-toe examination find out the cause and the treatment is simple. Absolutely you will not need lifelong physio. It can be alleviated if you find out the underlying problem. I have treated lots of patients and it can be caused by lots of things. Bad posture, the way you sit, your work maybe, back problems, hip problems, even jaw problems. Something is pressing on your sciatic nerve. Find out the cause. All will be well.
Not likely. Symptoms resolve. Depending on the cause of your "sciatica" you may experience flare up that could require episodic short term care.