“Can I have orthodontic advice for class 3 malocclusion?”
Female | 13 years old
Medications: CA
3 Answers
Hope the move to LA went well!! Class III is a difficult task...the diagnosis is very important. As I am not an orthodontist, I can only give you my thoughts. Depending on the ceph analysis, we can determine what the growth pattern is for the child; if the child is a vertical growth pattern with an anterior open bite, it will be advisable to wait till after her growth spurt, as her continued growth will result in a failed orthodontic treatment, i.e., open bite reoccurs. Sometimes, regardless of interceptive attempts, jaw surgery may still be required. Another reason to possibly wait till after growth. Again, very difficult to assess without all the information. But do seek out a reputable orthodontist in your new neighborhood and ask all your questions.
Hope this helped.