Pediatrician Questions Head Lice

What is the permanent treatment for head lice?

My daughter got infected with head lice from school. I have tried various treatments but it seems like nothing is working. What should I do?

4 Answers

There are many methods as well as home remedies to combat head lice. In my opinion, the best way to defeat head lice is to apply Permethrin local application as directed. And repeat again one week later. In between this period, try to comb the hair with a lice comb. The rest of the kids in the school should be treated at the same time if they have head lice to completely eradicate the problem.
The primary option for treatment of head lice is topical Permethrin 1%: apply to the hair and scalp as directed, leave for 10 minutes before rinsing. Then, hand pick the nits or comb them out with a fine toothed comb while the hair is still wet. Repeat procedure in 10 days. All household members have to receive the same treatment. Another good choice are Pyrethrins.
If these two don't work, it is necessary to switch to prescription lotions such as Ivermectin (Sklice) or Spinosad (Netroba). Meanwhile, all clothing, linen, towels, etc., that may have had contact with the hair should be washed with warm/hot water.
There are many treatments for head lice. You can use a topical treatment called permethrin which you can just get from the pharmacy. The brand names for permethrin are Rid and Nix. There are different prescription lotions including ulesfia and spinosad. Finally, there is an oral medication called ivermectin. The next treatment should be discussed with your child's doctor.
There is no permanent treatment. Children get reinfected from reexposure or eggs hatching from present infection. Way to prevent them, are spraying hair with hair spray and not sharing combs, hats, clothed and not sitting close where heads or touching where a lice and crawl or jump from the infected person to your daughter.