Gastroenterologist Questions Gastritis

persistent gastritis from last one year

I am a 23-year-old male suffering from stomach problems last year. I was experiencing symptoms like pain in my upper abdomen, nausea and vomiting, a feeling of fullness in my upper abdomen after eating, and food coming back into my mouth after meals. After the endoscopy doctor suggested an HP kit because of a positive H-pylori test. After some days the symptoms came back again and I was again undergoing the same procedure. I have done 3 times endoscopies every time H-pylori comes positive and the doctor prescribed me an HP kit. after 3 completing courses with the HP kit symptoms are not completely gone. what I can do in this situation?
why is H-pylori completely not cured?

Male | 23 years old
Complaint duration: 10/11/2021
Medications: 3 times hp kit
Conditions: pain in upper stomach,nausea,vomiting,acid reflex, food coming in mouth

1 Answer

H pylori can be tough to eradicate and the bacteria may be resistant to the usual antibiotics that are given to treat it. You should make a list of each regimen that you took and the doses of the medications. Clarithromycin is the antibiotic with highest resistance and should not be used. You can do sensitivity testing to find out which antibiotics the H pylori will respond to and use this information to guide the choice of the medications. You should see a doctor with experience in treating refractory H pylori. Most likely you will need high dose PPI, high dose amoxicillin and maybe rifampin to get rid of the infection.