“What can I do to prevent my sugar from going too low at night?”
My sugar levels often drop a lot while I am sleeping. What can I do to prevent my sugar levels from dropping too much?
1 Answer
Having nighttime low BS suggests you are taking insulin. Not knowing what kind of insulin you are taking, I can't really give more than general information. If you are taking NPH insulin at supper or at bed time, then change to Lantus or Levemir or one of the new long acting insulins. If you are taking Lantus or Levemir, then change to an ultra long-acting insulin (Treshiba or Tuojao). There is less danger of hypoglycemia with these ultra long-acting insulins. They are expensive, but the companies are providing pharmacy cards that greatly reduce the cost. Indeed, Sanofi company provides free insulin for awhile. Talk to your Doctor about this and fix it.