Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

Progressing knee pain and also shoulder pain?

About 2 weeks ago to this day I began having pain in my inner left knee when I would bend it or flex it. It has definitely progressed and now the pain is all around the knee and even radiating down to my shins. It is swollen and measures 15.5 inches opposed to my left knee which measures a normal 13.5 inches. I did have it x-rayed and it shows no breaks but my surgeon ordered an MRI but didn't tell me whether to stay off it or walk on it until the MRI in 9 days. The pain and discomfort is way worse when rising out of bed. I can hardly even walk and I thank God I have a wheelchair because of my other medical conditions. Also in the morning I experience pain in my shoulder too and can hardly raise it.

This began almost the exact same time my knee started acting up. I am just frustrated and quite frankly mad because my PCP and orthopedic surgeon are not telling me things like what their opinions are and what I should do or not do as if it is not a big deal. It is a big deal because I am already on disability for chronic pain, Guillen Barre Syndrome, depression and problems due to a broken neck. So I know what pain is all about and I am pretty knowledgeable about whether my body is experiencing a problem. I just had 90% of my lung removed on February the 3rd 2020 during a 7 hour operation to remove excessive infected fluid due to my double pneumonia.

So, I need to know what you think about this complex issue and have your opinion on what you may believe is wrong here. 'm afraid because of this Corona Virus outbreak happening right now that they may consider this an elective surgery procedure and put it off while I have to suffer through a possibly serious medical issue that needs to be taken care of properly and taken care of ASAP.

I'm sorry but I forgot to mention that about 7 months ago I did fall flat down on my front side of my body but I had no problems till this deal began with my knee. My physicians stressed that they did not believe that had anything to do with this problem I'm having now because I would have had issues soon after the fall. They are the professionals in their fields of medicine but I believe the hard fall may have contributed to my current condition.

Male | 56 years old
Complaint duration: 14 days
Medications: Metoprolol, Vimpatt, Effexor, Methadone, Aleve, Tylenol and Advil
Conditions: GBS, Chronic Pain ( Fractured neck (C4/C/5)

3 Answers

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Do you have a challenging situation. The knee problem could be just an inflammatory reaction with synovitis and fluid build-up, which is enough to make you miserable in and of itself. Anti-inflammatory medication should help this stay away from heat but you may use ice to help decrease the swelling at times when it’s the worst. Work on straightening the knee and prop it out straight whenever you are resting. That may seem painful, however, it will keep your hamstring muscle stretched and you’ll be able to walk better. Should you develop a fever or chills or acute worsening of the swelling in your knee, go to the emergency room. With your history of lung problems, etc., although infection seems less likely, you must be aware that possibility exists. It does not sound like you have an infection at this point holding inflammatory reaction. As regards the shoulder, you must keep that moving in again some gentle range of motion; stretching despite the pain is very important. You will develop a frozen shoulder rapidly if you do not stretch this through the pain. Don’t let the pain stop you. If you worsen, you should return to your primary care or see an internal medicine specialist or go to the emergency room.
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This is complex and hard to answer without an exam, but knee likely arthritis exacerbation or a meniscus tear. Pulling fluid out with a steroid injection should help. Shoulder could be a rotator cuff problem.