Dentist | Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Questions Salivary Gland Disorders

Recurrence of saliva pooling in mouth after Mucocele removal?


I had a mucocele removed about 4 months ago ago. Everything seemed fine for a while, but recently I've experienced an excess of saliva in my cheek in the same area I originally experienced before my surgery. I went back in to see a DDS, and he said my mucocele operation looked healed. He did also notice that my lymph nodes under my chin are swollen, but didn't say it was anything to necessarily be concerned about.

Could this recurrence of excess saliva simply be something transient that will go away? Could this be related at all to my swollen lymph nodes?

Thank you for any assistance! It is appreciated!

Male | 24 years old
Complaint duration: 1 month
Medications: None of relevance
Conditions: None

5 Answers

Recurrence should be carefully reevaluated by an operator. Lymph nodes can be affacted after the surgery, you should talk to your doctor for appopriate medication.
Ask your dentist for a referral to an oral surgeon for further evaluation of that mucocele and swelling of your lymph nodes. The cause of the swelling of your lymph nodes should definitely be discovered.
Your swollen lymph nodes can be serious. I advise you to see a specialist or a physician for that. Mucocele can definitely be recurrent.
If the mucocele initially impeded the flow of saliva (blocked a duct), then its removal is allowing for normal function (health). If you're running a fever, then seek evaluation by your doctor.
Give it about a month and see if it resolves. It may not be related to the surgery at all. If it continues, then return to the doctor. It is possible the swollen lymph glands are a contributing factor. That should resolve in several weeks.