OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions Vaginal Yeast Infection

Are there home remedies to treat vaginal yeast infection?

I am experiencing UTI along with a severe yeast infection in my vaginal region. It burns and itches severely causing immense discomfort. While I have been put on medication, the effect seems to be slow. Are there any home remedies to treat vaginal yeast infection?

9 Answers

There are no home remedies which effectively treat vaginal yeast infection. Definitely continue your medication and follow up with your doctor if you don’t feel better. Change in lifestyle (healthy diet, exercise, adequate water intake) help with enhancing immunity, which in turn help your body prevent future infections. You can start taking probiotics which helps with replenishing healthy bacteria in your body.

Take care!
White vinegar vaginitis douche, diluded
1. Greek yogurt. A review of research published in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy found that some probiotics can be effective against C. albicans
2. Boric acid
3. Probiotic suppositories and supplement
4. Apple cider vinegar
5. Avoiding food with sugar such as sweets, fruits, and carbs (bread, rice, potatoes)
Home remedies are not part of my medical practice. You may find other practitioners experienced in home remedies.
Nothing will work as well as a prescription from your physician. I recommend you get evaluated so they can visually inspect the area and perform a wet mount to confirm that it is yeast. Otherwise I would recommend keeping the area clean and most importantly DRY. Yeast love moisture. Also, I would recommend starting an OTC probiotic which may help the good bacteria in your body with the yeast
Try plain yogurt
You can always try probiotics and yogurt, but should be evaluated by your gyn as not everything that itches is a yeast infection.
Sodium bicarbonate
Baking soda, boric acid suppositories you can buy on amazon (not to be used during vaginal bleeding), also avoid soap on the area and avoid any carbs in your diet - they all take time to work - you get much faster relief with MONISTAT over the counter, or prescription Terazol cream or oral Dilfucan.