“What should I remember when travelling with rheumatoid arthritis?”
I am 48 years old and I have been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis recently. I am supposed to travel out of the country for a whole month because of work. What are the factors that I should keep in mind with this disease while abroad?
4 Answers
Thank you for submitting an excellent question. First and foremost, I would discuss with your physicians whether any type of vaccine or medication for such things as traveler's diarrhea are necessary. Additionally, I would at least discuss with your employer the availability of medical care where you are traveling to, just in case of an emergency or a medical question. I would make sure that you have an adequate supply of your medications and I would make sure that any type of laboratory monitoring be done prior to your travel. On your trip, I would be careful that you get adequate sleep, that you eat regularly an nutritiously and that you get regular exercise. If you have the ability to send a protected e-mail to your doctors, that would be very useful because you could consult with them if you have any questions while you are way. Likewise in the event of an illness they could give you advice and hopefully you would then be able to apply that advise and be seen locally in the country that you are visiting. Finally, if you are on injectable medications with needles and or syringes, it would be important that you have a letter that you could show to the appropriate people at the airport and or security. I hope that helps and I wish you a safe and successful trip
This is a great question and one that I am constantly asked by many of my patients. Check out these 8 Travel Tips. It just takes a little preparation to make your vacation knee pain free: https://bit.ly/2OIXXPi. Also, check out these 8 life Hacks That Can Help Arthritis Hand Pain. Try these clever ways to repurpose household items and help save your fingers, hands, and wrists: https://bit.ly/2JOfyBY. For more information, you can also check out our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/rheumconsultants.