“Does a rhinoplasty also affect the bone?”
I want to have a rhinoplasty because my nose is way too big. Is this surgery likely to affect the bone in my nose?
5 Answers
A surgical rhinoplasty is a powerful procedure that adds, removes, or repositions tissue in the nose for better aesthetics - often completely reshaping the nose. This often involves removing dorsal humps, lifting drooping tips, and narrowing the nasal bones. Each nose is different, however, and so there will be slight variations in the technique. In addition, the thickness of the nose skin can affect the overall result.
See the following link for more information: http://tiny.cc/rhinoplasty
A detailed examination will help delineate the best surgical option and provide you a custom quote for your situation.
Dr. David M. Tauber, MD
See the following link for more information: http://tiny.cc/rhinoplasty
A detailed examination will help delineate the best surgical option and provide you a custom quote for your situation.
Dr. David M. Tauber, MD
Rhinoplasty shapes the nose. The bone needs to be reduced if there is a large hump. If just the tip is large then the bone may not need to be reduced. This can be determined by a consultation with your Plastic Surgeon.
Your nose is made up of cartilage and bone with a skin covering. In order to change the external appearance, changes are made to the bone and cartilage. This is not an issue and is done all the time.
William B. Rosenblatt, M.D.
William B. Rosenblatt, M.D.
The term "Rhinoplasty" is generic for correctional surgery on the nose. Therefore, what is altered during the surgery depends on the problem and of course most of the time does involve reshaping the contour of the bones; but not always. In your case, I would venture to guess that reducing the size of your bones would be an essential part of getting you the result you would like.
I hope this helps.
Dr. M
I hope this helps.
Dr. M