Pediatrician Questions Doctors

When is the right time to switch from a pediatrician to a regular doctor?

My son is now 15 years and has been visiting a pediatrician for all check-ups and illnesses. When is the right time to switch him from a pediatrician to a regular internist or general practitioner?

5 Answers

We as pediatricians see children up to adolescent age. Personally, I refer them after 21 years, unless they want otherwise. There is a specialty in pediatrics that attend this wonderful age.
Usually age 16-18 yo they transition to family practice. Internal medicine usually doesn't see patients younger than 18. When your son is uncomfortable coming to the Pediatrician you can start the transition.
Most people switch between 18 and 21 years of age.
The general trend is between 18 years and 21 years. It depends on the child. Many of my patients stay on till 21 or so.
I’m sure many pediatricians will have different answers, but here is mineI think the ideal age is between 18 and 21. First of all, the pediatrician has (hopefully) known your son all of his life, knows your family, and all of his past history. Next, many kids at 15 just can’t be considered “young adults” yet from either a medical, social, developmental or maturation standpoint, and the pediatrician is best equipped to deal with these issues. As an example, diseases that occurs in a 15 year old are much, much more likely to be “pediatric” in nature, and not “adult” in nature. Another example is this; who would best handle mental health issues in a teenager, a pediatrician, or an adult physician who handles these issues in 30, 40, 50 year olds and up. I think pediatricians are a bit more empathetic in this regardConsider this next reason. Your kid goes to college, and needs some medical help. Most pediatricians are happy to help with college problems, and getting an internet’s or GP on board in a hurry for an urgent problem in college is hard.

Hope this helps,

Albert G. Karam, MD

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| When is the right time to switch from a pediatrician to a regular doctor? |

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| My son is now 15 years and has been visiting a pediatrician for all check-ups and illnesses. When is the right time to switch him from a pediatrician to a regular internist or general practitioner?

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