“What are the risks of having a second breast augmentation to fix the first?”
When I was 19 I had a breast augmentation that is botched. I am now 28 and looking to have them fixed. Are there any additional risks I should be concerned about?
15 Answers
Hello, the risk and complications depend on the repair required. It sounds like your implants have to be removed, the capsules may have to be removed or repaired, and new implants placed in. You may or may not require a lifting procedure as well. These all increase bleeding, which should properly be controlled by the surgeon. The pockets need to be repaired properly. Every patient’s situation is unique and needs to be addressed during the surgical procedure. I wish you luck! You may also visit my website at DrRoya.com for further information.
Implant exchange is recommended and very safe at 10-15 years. Remember that implants are man-made devices that will fail at some point.
With a redo breast augmentation, there is a slighter higher risk due to the previous surgery. There are already scars inside the breast. Fortunately, overall, the risks are still low when performed by an experienced surgeon: bleeding, infection, capsula contracture, asymmetry, bottoming out.
Hi. Revision Breast augmentation has greater risks than primary breast augmentation because there is scar tissue that needs to be assessed, pockets that need to be adjusted, and new implants that need to be fit according to your new goals/desires. Having said that, going to a board certified plastic surgeon with expertise in advanced revision breast surgery techniques is key.
Anytime that you undergo surgery you are at risk of complications. In your case, the risks of having a second breast augmentation are infection, bleeding, scarring (capsular contracture), possible need for further reconstructive surgery, numbness of the breast or nipple and unsatisfactory result. As well, there are risks of undergoing anesthesia. You should consult with a plastic surgeon certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.
Probably at 19, you were a bit young. Nonetheless, there is no excuse for a botched procedure. Do your research and find a reputable cosmetic surgeon before you go under the knife again.
It depends on what needs to be done. If there is a capsule or other deformity it can be more difficult, but the risks are not significant and often the surgery can be fairly easy to do.
There are a number of issues to consider - the first of which is, what exactly do you mean by “botched?” I would want to know the type/style of implants you had placed, whether they are above or below the pectorals muscle, and through what type of incision were they placed. Are you an athletic woman, have you ever been pregnant, do you have any excess skin? These are all things any good surgeon would need to take into account. Having said that, the good news is that additional surgery can oftentimes be very effective in rectifying even very difficult problems.
Depending on the issue, the risks may be moderately high. A lot depends on the scar tissue, original implants, your skin, and the size you would like. Speak to a surgeon to get all the answers, but beware! It could always be not what you want!
I’m sorry you had a bad experience the first time and let’s hope the second time surgery will be to your liking. This is a loaded question and you need to be examined by a competent plastic surgeon. What we look for is: general breast shape; if sagging, how much; is there a need for a breast lift; implant position; is there capsular contracture symmetry of your breasts; thickness of your soft tissue. Once these are determined, a surgical plan can be discussed. This is not an uncommon issue and I think generally the outcome should be to your satisfaction, done by a competent plastic surgeon preferably certified by the ABPS.
Dear inquirer:
You should not be concerned at all. You need a good plastic surgeon to take good care of you.
Luis A. Laurentin-Perez, MD PhD
You should not be concerned at all. You need a good plastic surgeon to take good care of you.
Luis A. Laurentin-Perez, MD PhD
It is certainly reasonable to consider revisions to previous breast augmentation when the long term result is not satisfactory. The implants also continue to improve and can often yield excellent outcomes despite the prior surgery. It is important to choose a surgeon certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery who is experienced in breast augmentation revisions as these procedures do require special planning to ensure best results. There are risks whenever surgery is performed so make sure the surgical facility is accredited as well. Most patients are extremely pleased with the corrections that can be achieved with very low risk. Good luck to you.
Dr H
Dr H