Dentist Questions Root Canal

Is it safe to have a root canal during pregnancy?

I am 8 months pregnant, and I need to have a root canal. Is it safe to have a root canal while pregnant?

7 Answers

The safest period of time to have a root canal during pregnancy is during the second trimester, the 4th, 5th and 6th months. However, in an emergency, a root canal can be done at any point during a pregnancy, if certain special precautions are taken.
It is usually safe to treat and healthier than leaving an active infection. You would have to discuss your particulars with your endodontist as it does depend on a number of factors.
Yes it is.
Root canals require X-rays and the American Dental Association does not recommend x-raying pregnant women during the third trimester so they will probably premedicate you with an antibiotic until postpartum with much more comfort through the patient and less risk to The Unborn Child
Yes, it is safe.
Traditionally it is safe. The concerns are more for your comfort with sitting and the levels of stress you may be feeling during the procedure at your stage of the pregnancy. The first trimester is the real concernfor treatment during pregnancy. You have to remember an infection isn't healthy for a growing fetus at any stage. Managing the infection is key and trained endodontists are fully skilled at  doing this without harm to baby or mom.I am not sure of your exact situation but keep in mind, in general,  it is a safe procedure in your situation. Hope this helps.