Orthopedist Questions Sciatica

Is sciatica permanent or can it be cured?

I have been diagnosed with sciatica and I am on treatment. I would like to know if there is a permanent cure or will I have to live with it?

9 Answers

Sciatica is a non-medical term in general it refers to inflammation of the sciatic nerve which can I have many classes. Thankfully it is not permanent 90% of the time it will go away on its own if not then you need to find a skillful surgeon who knows how to treat the cause
Rest anti-inflammatory agents low impact aerobic exercises aquatics and controlling your BMI i.e. managing your weight are the best strategies
Sciatica is a vague diagnosis and a dynamic one too. It can be caused by a disc protrusion in your spine which may resolve with conservative measures. So it is not a permanent label and can resolve by conservative measures and unfortunately sometimes, if severe and causing weakness, needs a surgical intervention
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It can be cured. Most people recover from Sciatica with proper treatment in 3-6 mths. Only a small percentage of people require surgery. You'll need to have an x-ray and an MRI for accurate diagnosis.
It's curable.
Most of the time with proper treatment condition should resolve. Sometimes the length of treatment like the but nearly all patients improve.
Sciatica is the term we use for pain down the leg. There are many causes and the cause is what determines how long it lasts. Having an physical evaluation and subsequent imaging studies will help with the exact diagnosis and treatment options.
Not necessarily a cure, but treatments. Try medications, physical therapy, injections and finally surgery, if needed.
Sciatica can be treated if the cause is known.
Can often be treated and cured