Pediatric Oncologist Questions Cancer

Should my child be secluded during his chemotherapy?

I am mother to a 8 year old who is undergoing treatment for blood cancer. Due to chemotherapy, his immunity has gone so slow that he often catches smallest of infections. Should I keep him secluded, away from even family ?

1 Answer

While your child's immune system is declined during chemotherapy, he should be secluded from public spaces with large crowds, and minimize the time he is in public spaces in general. However it should be fine for him to be around family and friends as long as none of them has signs or symptoms of being sick (such as fever, runny nose, cough).

Bonnie W. Lau, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor, Pediatric Hematology Oncology<>

phone 603.650.5541 | fax 603.650.0591
