Physical Therapist Questions Leg Cramps

I have a severe pain in my calf muscles after playing cricket. What should I do?

I went to play cricket and now I have a severe pain in my calf muscles. What can I do to stretch my muscles and get relief from the pain?

4 Answers

Hello, Pain could be the result of an injury or overuse depending on when and where exactly you feel it. I would need some more information on how your pain started and what movements increase or alleviate the pain. My advice would be to get yourself assessed by a clinician to ensure that a thorough history is taken and appropriate steps of intervention advised based on the evaluation. A quick suggestion would be to ensure appropriate stretching techniques are performed before participating in cricket and cool-down activities with adequate hydration.
Calf stretches are highly recommended. Stretching especially after the game is recommended.
Stretch, use ice, check your arch supports in your footwear. See a PT.
Thank you for your inquiry. It sounds like you overworked the muscles and now they are strained. I would hear the muscles with a heating pad for about 15-20 minutes and then stretch out the calf muscles. This can be done by taking a towel, place under the ball of your foot and gently pulling back on the foot to stretch the calves. After doing so, use an analgesic cream for relief. I know they say to ice the area, but I find heat will help the muscle relax and increase blood flow to help stretch the muscle better. You can apply an ice pack to the area if you like to help reduce the pain after the stretch. Do this stretch about 2-3 times a day, stretching it about 10 times in one session, holding it for about 5 seconds and then release for 5 seconds.
Hope this helps.