Pain Management Specialist Questions Chronic Pain

Severe chronic pain. What do I do?

Bulging disks, osteophytes facet joint changes, herniation of disks, cervical spinal abnormality, degenerative disk disease, schmorls node defects, rotator cuff tear, l&r side fractures c-5 c-6 c-7, broke neck disk bulge at l-1 l-2 l-2 l-3 l-3 l-4 l-4 l-5 l-5 s-1, numerous end plate deformities, right upper lobe mass fracture deformity at the lateral aspect of the 7th, right rib prominent spurs, inferior distal end of the clavicle fractures or dislocations, along the thoracic spine an schmorl's nodes at the end plates. I can go on, around 1 thousand pages and I cannot get medical help for this severe chronic pain.

My doctor tells me the state will not let him write pain meds. He wants me to do p/t and more tests, just to say he cannot help. He will not even refer me to a pain clinic. Can someone please help me? I've even prayed to die just to stop it. Believe me, I do suffer.

Male | 55 years old
Complaint duration: dec.1995
Medications: none
Conditions: sever cronic pain

1 Answer

You need a different doctor, preferably close to a medical school with the latest methods available.