Dermatologist Questions Shingles

20yo possible shingles

Hi I'm a 20 year old female and I think I've got shingles. I got a rash that looks exactly like it but the only thing I'm wondering and can't seem to find on the internet is about the size and placement of the rash. It's just a small round cluster, only about 1 inch diameter on the outside of my knee. It's been there for about 5 days now and is just starting to crust. Is this just a really mild case or I should expect worse in the future??? Thanks!

Female | 20 years old
Complaint duration: 5 days

1 Answer

It sounds like it’s herpes simplex 1. Shingles follows along a dermatome and tends to be very painful. It also can be a minor case of it because of prior chicken pox vaccination.