“Should I bring my child to the ER for an asthma attack?”
My 14 year old has asthma attacks sometimes but has an inhaler. Should I bring my child to the ER for an asthma attack?
6 Answers
If the asthma attack does not respond to albuterol within 15 minutes, you should consider going to ER or Urgent Care.
If your child continues to wheeze after properly using their inhaler and if they continue to claim they are short of breath, or if they have a fever greater than 100 degrees, or an uncontrollable cough, bring them to the ER.
Yes, if the inhaler is not doing enough to decrease the breathing troubles your child has. Look at the area below the neck - if it is going back and forth with breaths, the ER is needed. You likely need a nebulizer - they work much better than an inhaler.