“Should I go to the hospital if my blood sugar is over 200?”
I am a 40 year old female and my blood sugar is over 200. Should I go to the hospital if my blood sugar is over 200?
4 Answers
If you have never had high blood sugars in the past, you need to see your primary care doctor immediately. Random blood sugars > 200 indicates you are probably Diabetic.
That depends on what type of diabetes you have & how you feel. If you have Type 2 diabetes & are taking oral agents, the answer is No. You do need to see a diabetes Dr. though & get your medication adjusted to get the blood sugar down. If you have Type 1 diabetes, the answer is probably yes since ketoacidosis may be starting. If you are not sick & BS that high & you are taking insulin, you can treat this at home by taking some supplementary doses of short acting insulin. If this is a chronic problem (that way all the time) you need to see your doctor since BS this high & sustained will lead to complications such as loss of vision, kidney failure, heart attacks & stroke and foot ulcers & amputations. Occasional high BS from overeating or eating too much carbohydrate will occur in all of us & needs only take a little extra medication or MORE IMPORTANT follow the dietary rules.