Surgeon Questions Tumor removal

Should I have small lump on leg removed?

I'm 50 years old and I noticed that I have a small lump on my leg that's painless. I saw it earlier this year in the shower. I haven't had it checked out yet since it's not causing me to feel any discomfort. Do you think I should get it removed?

5 Answers

You need an US and possiby an MRI.
Hard to say anything about the urgency of having it removed. The odds are that it is a benign lipoma. Understand that I am not making a diagnosis. Common sense should prevail. You noticed it, and you were concerned enough to ask. Show it to a trusted physician. Your mind won't rest until you do.
If it is painful, tender, or enlarging, then it should be evaluated soon. If not tender, painful, or enlarging, then not urgent, but should still be evaluated at some point, not necessarily including removal.

Mika N. Sinanan, MD, PhD
Any lump should be checked out and most likely should be removed
It's likely benign, but I would talk to your primary care physician or dermatologist.