“I have a sharp pain in my eye because I accidentally slept with my contact lenses. What should I do?”
I slept with my contact lenses and now my eyes hurt so much. What should I do so that the pain eases?
6 Answers
You definitely need to see an eye care doctor. It could be a contact lens ulcer that can be serious.
You should immediately see an ophthalmologist. This could (not necessarily but I wouldn’t risk it) indicate an early microbial keratitis i.e. bacterial infection which can be pretty serious unless treated early.
The most common cause of bacterial corneal infections is excessively prolonged use of contact lenses.
The most common cause of bacterial corneal infections is excessively prolonged use of contact lenses.
It may be due to a lack of oxygen to the cornea due to the contact lens being on too long. The other possibility is a scratched cornea as a result of the removal of the lens. Either should be evaluated by your eye doctor.
You have corneal abrasions or keratitis. Try resting the eyes with no contact lenses for a day. If the eye still hurts, then you should see an ophthalmologist for help.