“I feel like something is stuck in my throat. What should I do?”
I am getting a constantly uneasy feeling like something is stuck in my throat. Should I get this checked out? What should I do to fix this problem?
6 Answers
Yes, it's time to see an otolaryngologist. This may represent reflux (laryngopharyngeal reflux, silent reflux, extra-esophageal reflux). I have also seen patients experience this with increasing stress and muscle tension (of the upper esophageal sphincter or laryngeal muscles). Rarely does this represent something more sinister.
The medical term for your condition is called a globus sensation. This condition is quite common but does require a throat evaluation by an ENT doctor.
This is also called globus pharyngeus. Almost always it is from tightening of the cricopharyngeus muscle at the top of the food pipe (oesophagus). Silent reflux, also called laryngopharyngeal reflux is a common association. Treating this reflux can often help but an endoscopy done by an ENT surgeon in the office is also useful to make sure nothing else is going on.

Devang P. Desai
Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT)
Yes, this is a vague symptom with many causes. I recommend seeing an ENT.
Thank you,
Devang P. Desai, MD
Thank you,
Devang P. Desai, MD
Yes, the constant feeling of having something stuck in your throat is a reason to see an Otolaryngologist. It may be something as simple as acid reflux or post-nasal drip, but it could also be various other things such as a thyroid nodule pressing on your airway or a mass (either cancerous or not) in your neck. The otolaryngologist can pass a small camera through
your nose to examine your throat and larynx as well as examine your neck at the time of the appointment. She or he can then give recommendations for treatment or any further testing that needs to take place.
your nose to examine your throat and larynx as well as examine your neck at the time of the appointment. She or he can then give recommendations for treatment or any further testing that needs to take place.