“My son has all of a sudden become quiet. Is it a normal change or could something be wrong?”
My son is 13 years old and he is suddenly very quiet around his family. He used to be very talkative. Is it a normal personality change for this age or could something be wrong?
2 Answers
It's hard to know for sure, without having more detail. But this is suspicious to me and I think it should be investigated further. Any abrupt change like this warrants a deeper dive.
You are right to question this sudden change in behavior. It may be that he is simply a brooding adolescent, but there could be something more troublesome going on. You cannot force him to talk or engage, but provide him with encouragement to talk about what is on his mind. Believe it or not, taking a ride with him in the car is a great place to try to get him talking. The time alone with you as well as him not feeling pressured or forced to make eye contact can bring out his voice. Don't try to cajole him into talking if he refuses as this may push him away, but keep an eye on his activities, allowing him to express himself as he is comfortable and ensuring he is safe even if he is not willing to share what might be going on. Just let him know you are always there for him without hovering. If you notice behaviors that make you uncomfortable or feel that he is unsafe, you should seek support from a school or private counselor to rule out more significant concerns.